Ubuntu UK Community

Ubuntu UK Community is a Ubuntu LoCo (Local Community) in the UK. It is a place for everyone who intrested in using, developing with Ubuntu, or contributing to Ubuntu projects.

Ubuntu 23.10

Ubuntu 23.10 Mantic Minotaur is the latest version released in October 2023. You can get it today, and run it on various environments such as Desktop, Servers, IoT, Cloud and much more.

UbuCon Korea 2023

Following the success of last year’s UbuCon Asia, UbuCon Korea will be held at Sept 9th at Microsoft Korea. With the theme “Ubuntu for Developer Productivity”

Most widely used Linux distro

Ubuntu is one of the most widely used Linux distributon in the world. It is well known as easy to use linux desktop, and easy to configure linux distribution for server and other infrastructures. Ubuntu is optimized for various devices and environment such as Desktop, Laptop, Server, Cloud, Internet of Things, Raspberry Pi, Appliances, Kiosks and much more.

Ubuntu UK Community

© 2021 Ubuntu Korea Community (Ubuntu Korean LoCo Team). © 2021 Ubuntu UK Community (Ubuntu UK LoCo Team) Except where otherwise noted, Website source code licensed under MIT, Contents licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.

Source code on GitHub