About the Community

Ubuntu Korea Community, established late 2005 is an Ubuntu Local community verified by Ubuntu Community Council. We organize various activities sucs as: Providing online community and documentation service, Organizing events like seminars and conferences, Group studies and projects on Ubuntu and its related open source technologies.

Meet people online & Find informations you need

Meet community people on various channels like Forums, Facebook Group, IRC. And find informations you need on official documentations and wiki.

Networking, Exchange and Research & Development activities

We organize diverse activities on Ubuntu and its related open source technologies. Meet and exchange with people and share your experience beyond online activities.

  • Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

    We organize seminars, conferences periodically to share Ubuntu related knowledges, and Workshop events to train and make people familiar with Ubuntu and its related open source technologies.

  • Exchange with Domestic & Foreign Open source/IT Communities

    We frequently collaborate with domestic open source communties like OpenStack Korea, WSL Korea User Group and more. Cowork with foreign open source communities such as Ubuntu Japan, Debian Japan, Ubuntu Taiwan, Ubuntu Malaysia. We also participate UbuCon Asia, a place to meet Ubuntu LoCos around Asia.

  • Group studies, Projects, Open source contribution activities

    We organize group studies and projeces on Ubuntu and its related open source technologies. We also organize activieis for contributing to Ubuntu projects such as translating Ubuntu.

Get involved as Community Organizer

People who enthusiast on Ubuntu, Linux and open source are actively participating as organizers. If you are actively participating Ubuntu community and interested to join as organizer, Why don't you get involced today?


다양한 회사, 기관, 단체에서 우분투 한국 커뮤니티를 여러 방법으로 후원하여, 더 활발한 활동을 할 수 있도록 돕고 있습니다.

Ubuntu UK Community

© 2021 Ubuntu Korea Community (Ubuntu Korean LoCo Team). © 2021 Ubuntu UK Community (Ubuntu UK LoCo Team) Except where otherwise noted, Website source code licensed under MIT, Contents licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.

Source code on GitHub